Graduation FAQs
Clarkson College moved to one commencement ceremony in the summer of 2021 to enhance the student and family experience by allowing the entire college community to come together to celebrate the achievements of graduates across all Clarkson College programs. It allows for the event space to be secured and an unlimited number of students and guests to attend, with a focus on building a special and unique tradition in the summer, when the largest number of Clarkson College students graduate. Clarkson College offers flexibility to all student journeys and will continue to enroll students multiple times per year as well as confer degrees three times per year for the Fall, Spring, and Summer semesters.
Frequently Asked Questions:
When is the commencement ceremony for the College?
Our commencement ceremony is in the Summer on the first Saturday after the semester ends. (Click here to view the Academic Calendar). This is an all-college event for all graduating students throughout the academic year and is our largest celebration! There is no limit to the number of people you can invite to attend and it is held at the Baxter Arena.
What other special ceremonies are held for graduating students?
At the end of each semester, all graduating students are welcome to pick up their graduation items on campus and bring family for photo opportunities. If students cannot pick up their graduation items, they are mailed a special graduation box including a cap and tassel. Additionally, programs may have special pinning and hooding ceremonies where students in the fall and spring also receive their diplomas, can wear graduation caps, have family and friends in attendance, and have photo opportunities. Academic Program Directors are the best contact for special program events for each graduating cohort.
Why do we have one commencement ceremony?
Hosting one commencement ceremony per academic year allows the entire college community to come together to celebrate the achievements of graduates across all Clarkson College programs. This fosters a sense of unity and shared accomplishment.
Why should I come back in the Summer?
Be a part of something special. Currently, 25-40% of our Fall and Spring graduates come to the Summer commencement ceremony. You are a part of a larger healthcare community, and this allows all students to celebrate alongside peers who may have completed their studies at different times throughout the academic year. You have been prepared to be the best, please join us and celebrate this milestone.